Dogs and Plants: Keep your Four-Legged Friends Safe!

With spring nearly over, you’re ready to put in some new plants. At Billy Goat Landscaping we love plants, but we also love our dogs! Did you know there are many plants that are poisonous to our four-legged best friends? Sometimes we forget to make sure that everything that is safe for us is also safe for our dogs and cats. While you could get lucky and never have a problem, we all know that pets can misbehave from time to time and take their boredom out on your beautiful plants. Continue reading to see a list of a few poisonous plants for dogs to be aware of when designing your perfect garden beds. 

Azalea- small amounts can cause nausea and vomiting while larger amounts can lead to a coma or potentially death.

Autumn Crocus- symptoms can include throat irritation, diarrhea and vomiting ingesting Autumn Crocus can lead to seizures and organ damage.

Amaryllis plant- can cause vomiting, low blood pressure and abdominal pains which can cause a change in behavior like a loss of appetite and difficulty laying down. The entire plant is toxic, but the bulb is where the chemicals are most concentrated. If ingested and untreated this could cause a coma, clinical shock or be fatal.

Oleander- can cause heart failure if eaten in large amounts and in small amounts can cause diarrhea, sweating, shaking, respiratory problems, and dermatitis.

Lily of the Valley- can cause severe symptoms when ingested including heart arrythmia, seizures and death.

Daffodils- symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, respiratory issues, a drop-in blood pressure and possible heart failure.

Periwinkle- is a plant that is toxic to all animals’ symptoms include vomiting, reduced blood pressure, depression and lethargy in more severe cases it can cause seizures, coma and death.

Tulips- can cause mouth and throat irritation, nausea and drooling. It can also cause skin reactions in some dogs.

Northern Red Oak- can cause stomach pains, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Elderberries- symptoms include vomiting, nausea and diarrhea and could even cause organ failure and death.

Jack-In-The-Pulpit- this Maine flower can cause difficulty drooling, swallowing, or excessive drooling, and swelling of the mouth.

Milkweed- the sap from this plant is toxic if eaten in large doses watch for vomiting, depression, weakness and diarrhea. Milkweed could also cause seizures, difficulty breathing, coma and even death.

If you do decide to plant a poisonous plant, it’s always good to know what symptoms to be on the lookout for to signal when it is time to call the vet!


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